The bank will roll out the platform across its business as well as to some of its big clients. 该行将在自己的各个业务部门部署这一平台,并将其推广给一些大客户。
In1998, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria ( RBM) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of2010. 1998年世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署和世界银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标是到2010年使全球疟疾减少一半。
Second, there must be more market discipline: each bank would be forced to roll over maturing sub debt equal to 1 per cent of its liabilities each year. 第二,必须加强市场纪律:每家银行每年必须对相当于其总负债1%的到期次级债进行展期。
Major companies feared they could not get bank loans or roll over commercial paper. 大公司担心,他们或许无法从银行取得贷款或滚转商业票据。
The bank is technically allowed to engage in secondary bond market purchases, but not with the aim of helping governments incur deficits or roll over debt. 从技术角度讲,欧洲央行可以进入二级债券市场购买债券,但不得以帮助政府导致赤字或是延长债券偿还期限为目的。
From a marketing point of view, Yamaha is of course disappointed, but it cannot bank roll something it cannot afford. 从市场的角度看,雅马哈肯定失望,但他也不能占着茅坑不拉屎。
Bank executives have recently been criticised and even replaced, and more heads will roll. 近期银行管理层备受指责,部分甚至遭到撤换,未来还将有更多的人受到惩罚。
My bank roll starting out at a small$ 30 so I was betting low. 我的银行开始在一小卷30元出来,所以我是博彩低。
Maturing sub debt, however, does discipline the bank and if the bank cannot roll over the debt, it must shrink by 10 per cent to live within its remaining outstanding sub debt. 但到期次级债却能对银行构成切实约束,银行若无法展期债务,其规模就必须收缩10%,才能与未偿次债余额相匹配。
They have also worked out, according to the rou ′ s actual life, back up roll change regulation and compiled a data bank for back up roll service and maintenance. 又按照支承辊的实际使用寿命,制定了支承辊换辊制度,并编制了支承辊使用与维护管理数据库。
Especially deserve to indication, wireless access system only needs lower incipient plough into enough implement cover with livelong area, can availably debase investment threshold, swell bank roll resist risk capability. 特别值得指出的是,无线接入系统只需较低的初期投入就可以实现整个区域的覆盖,可有效地降低电信运营的投资门槛,增强资金的抗风险能力。
In order to meet the current education reform, the promotion of education, examination separation papers to improve the automation and standardization of management level, the use of computer design item bank and into the roll system is necessary. 为了适应当前教学改革的需要,促进教、考分离,提高考卷的自动化和标准化管理水平,利用计算机设计题库与成卷系统很有必要。
Provincial agency transformed into rural commercial bank in economy developed regions resorting to the great effort made by government to build up rural financial platform, while private finance plays a large roll depending on its financial resource advantages. 经济发达地区将省级联社改造成了农村商业银行,政府努力打造农村投融资平台,民间金融凭借金融资源的优势发挥了巨大作用。